


  • 长度必须介于 8 至 20 个字符之间
  • 必须包含字母数字字符的组合,而且至少有一个字母或一个数字。不允许使用其他字符。
  • 密码区分大小写。建议您使用大写和小写字符。安全系数高的密码包含大写和小写字符。

忘记了用户名和/或密码?您可以 申请用户名并发送至您个人信息下的电子邮件地址,还可以申请密码重置


关于 element14 社区:您的 element14 商店和 element14 社区用户名/密码将不同,但您可将它们设为相同。登录系统是相互独立的,我们当前不会在两个站点之间传输用户信息。

My Account

Q: How do I reset/change my password?

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password, you can easily request your password to be reset.

Change password

If you remember your current password, simply log in and go to the My Account: Change password page and follow the instructions provided.

Related Links

Q: How can I request my username?
A: If you have forgotten your username, you can easily request your username to be sent to the email address in your profile.

Related Links

Q: How do I change my delivery/invoice address?
A:You may submit a request to update your invoice address by logging in and going to your Address book. Select the address you first used to open your account with us and update the information. When you submit the form, our support team will be notified to verify the address and will make the update in our business systems.

Related Links

Q: How do I set up a trade account?
A: You may request a trade account when you register and place your first order on this site.

NOTE: Orders may be delayed while business credit verification is performed.

You can also contact us to set up an account.

  • Email customer service: cn-sales@element14.com
  • Phone customer service: 固话800 820 5279 / 手机400 820 5857, 09:00 - 18:00 周一至周五

Related Links

Q: I am already a customer. What do I need to do to order online?
A: Your account number does not automatically give you access to a web account; you need to create this by registering online. Registration is very quick and easy and once completed, you are free to place orders online. To register you will be asked to supply a few details and select your username and password, which will be your unique key to accessing the website. Your web account will allow you to update your details online, including your account number and preferences.
Q: What characters can be used when filling in forms?
A: The following characters can be used when filling in forms:.
  • a-z  A-Z  0-9
  • All punctuations and most special characters except ‘|’ ‘,’ (comma) & ‘\’ (Note: fields such as post codes, phone numbers etc. will not accept special characters)